VPS Dashboard

Step 3

Name: Enter a desired name of your server. I would recommend your city RP name or the project you're currently working on.

Step 4

Hostname: This is optional, you can leave this blank. If you don't know what this is, you can move forward.

Step 5

Operating System:

  • Windows - We strongly suggest selecting this to locally host your FiveM city. Windows it's easy to use and you'll be able to connect using Remote Desktop.

  • Ubuntu - This is for more experience users that know how to use Linux and the sudo commands. We do not recommend you select this if you do not know how to use Linux. Do not add an SSH KEY if you do not how to use it.

  • Self Install? - You have the ability to install your own ISO via VNC. If you don't know what this is, you can move on.

Advanced Options are intended for experienced users only. If you are unsure about their purpose, you should avoid viewing or modifying any settings within this section.

Step 6

After you have selected your operating system, click on Build and wait for the server to be completed. This takes about 2-3 minutes to be completed since Windows will be installing. You may travel away from the page, that is not a problem.

This is an example of a Windows installation before clicking Build.

Step 7

After you click build, this screen will come up. Allow it to finish, you can keep up with the progress bar.

ADVANCED USERS: If you require any other ISO, we have the templates for it. Reach out to us via Discord or by opening a ticket and we'll happily add it as a template.

Wait for Windows to finish installing. You will receive an email with your log in details.

Last updated