🥷FiveM Convars Definitions

If you don't know what these are used for, do not use them, move on.


This configures the connection timeout when a http request handler is running. This is required to prevent the connection from getting closed when the request handler takes longer then the normal connection timeout. Default 5 minutes:


This configures the connection timeout in general. This timeout starts each time the connection receives data or is getting data send to. Default 5 seconds (this matches the nodejs timeout).

sv_forceIndirectListing true

The "sv_forceIndirectListing true" setting in the FiveM server configuration file forces the server to list itself indirectly in the FiveM server browser.

By default, FiveM servers are listed directly in the server browser. This means that players can see the server's IP address and port directly in the browser and can connect to it directly. However, this can be a security risk as it allows attackers to easily discover and target your server.

When "sv_forceIndirectListing" is set to "true", the server is listed indirectly in the server browser, which means that players cannot see the server's IP address and port directly. Instead, players connect to the server through a proxy server, which helps to protect the server from direct attacks.

Overall, setting "sv_forceIndirectListing" to "true" can help improve the security of your FiveM server by making it more difficult for attackers to target it directly.

sv_listingIpOverride ""

The "sv_listingIpOverride" setting in the FiveM server configuration file specifies the IP address that the server should use when listing itself in the FiveM server browser.

When the server lists itself in the server browser, it includes its IP address so that players can connect to it directly. However, in some cases, the server may have multiple IP addresses or may be behind a NAT firewall, which can make it difficult for players to connect to it.

The "sv_listingIpOverride" setting allows you to specify a specific IP address that the server should use when listing itself in the server browser. In the example you provided, the setting is set to "", which means that the server will use this IP address when listing itself in the server browser.

By specifying a specific IP address to use for listing, you can ensure that players can connect to the server even if it has multiple IP addresses or is behind a NAT firewall. This can help make the server more accessible to players and improve its visibility in the FiveM server browser.

sv_endpoints ""

The endpoint is the address that clients use to connect to the server. When a client connects to the server, it uses the endpoint to establish a connection and exchange data with the server.

By default, the server will use the IP address and port that it is bound to for the endpoint. However, in some cases, you may want to specify a different endpoint for the server to use. The "sv_endpoint" setting allows you to specify a different endpoint for the server to use. For example, if your server is behind a NAT firewall and has a different external IP address than its internal IP address, you can use the "sv_endpoint" setting to specify the external IP address and port that clients should use to connect to the server.


The "sv_endpointurl" setting is a variation of "sv_endpoint" that allows you to specify a custom URL for the endpoint. This can be useful if you want to use a custom domain name or URL for your server's endpoint.

Last updated