DNS Settings

DNS settings for your local server.

Go to DNS to mange your records.

Add an A Record

Type: A

Name: Your chosen domain i.e play

IPv4 Address: Your Server IP i.e 123.456.78

If you run into an issue with players not being able to connect, you may want to disable Proxied, but this will expose your IP. If you have DDoS protection with us, then don't worry and feel free to disable it.

Click Save.

Add an SRV Record

Type: SRV

Name: play.YourURL.com i.e play.projectsloth.org

Service: _cfx

Protocol: UDP

TLL: Auto

Priority: 10

Weight: 10

Port: 30120 (default port, change this to your own port if you have a different one)

Target: play.YourURL.com i.e play.projectsloth.org Click Save.

Now you can have your players connect to play.projectsloth.org instead of CFX URL. Allow up to 2-4 hours for your players to be able to connect using play.projectsloth.org

Make sure your members fly into your city using your new URL via F8 connect else they will not benefit from the CDN network.

We do not offer any support other than what is found on this guide. Please do not ask us for any support or open tickets about this, they will be auto closed.

Last updated