Startup & Connection
So you've gotten all the way to the server settings in the dashboard, but now what?
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So you've gotten all the way to the server settings in the dashboard, but now what?
Last updated
After clicking on the server's name, you will be brought directly to the "Console" tab in the System menu.
It's finally time to start your new server, go ahead and click the "Start" button.
Click "Accept" on the prompt, this is important! If you don't accept the terms of service for Eula, then your server will not be allowed to function.
Now that your server is up and running, it's time to connect with your friends in your own paradise.
On the "Server Details" tab of the System menu, locate the IP information, copy the IP and Port.
Go to Steam and launch Palworld
Select "Join Multiplayer Game", in the bottom of the window paste the IP:Port you copied earlier.
Click "Connect", and voilà!