All databases available for this server
Last updated
All databases available for this server
Last updated
We strongly recommend not using this feature unless you; have created a backup of your current server (You can learn how to do that in the Backups guide) and have shut down your server before using it, and/or, are an experienced user.
Changing your server's contents risks losing or damaging your existing data and server contents. You could cause irreparable damage, use it with caution!
The Databases tab allows you to add MySQL databases, there are only two slots available.
Your current databases will appear in a list within the circled area.
To add a new database:
Click "Create" and enter in the:
Host of the database -where it is deployed;
Name - name your database for identification, and;
Connections From - reflects the IP address from which connections are allowed from using standard MySQL notation. Leave it as % if you're unsure.
Click "Submit"